Wednesday, March 1, 2017

My heart belongs to Singapore

As accounted when I applied for a UK Tourist Visa, I have been to Singapore 10 times for the last 6 years. Only 1 of those trips was for a seminar, the rest was spent "feeling at home".

I will fly again by the end of the month to accompany family friends visit a relative. I am their "unofficial" tour guide.

So what's in the itinerary?

Day 1 - late afternoon arrival

Check-in. Watch Wings of Love (we have kids in tow!)

Day 2

Day Tour - can be hop on hop off because we are with an elderly
Dinner at Makansutra

Day 3

Shopping Day
Check In at new hotel
Dinner at Chinatown

Day 4
Marina Bay Gardens by the Bay
To Airport

It's a draft. Will polish soon..

Fast Forward

It's March 2, 2017. I am at the last phase of my "Project Digitize" (an attempt at going paperless, as part of joining the Minimalist Nation :|). I was googling how to upload photos and shared privately to friends (oh yes, I was born in the 80's and never caught up with the social media) and then - I came up to this... Awwwwwwwww.......

I am maintaining a private blog right now about things that are private -  my journey to financial recovery, my transition to minimalism, my anger management issues. And while I want to share to people who are struggling like me the journey I am in, I am too fragile at this moment in my life I am keeping the noises just within myself.

So meantime, I might upload photos here I digitized. And try to remember the fun times behind those travels. I stopped vagabonding these days. I don't know anymore where to go except for where I can stay finally and call home.