Monday, August 26, 2013

Things I learnt in Beijing


- bring your reusable bag when shopping. You'll be charged for a plastic bag. Well, holds true for convenience stores we visited (New World, the convenience store in front of capital
Hotel, O'le at Beijing APM, Watsons, and supermarket at Beijing Department Store)

- avail of a tour package if you have extra cash to stash. While we enjoyed still the DIY tours we did, a lot of time was wasted with walking endlessly and looking for subways that are on the map but aint anymore :(

- stay close to the person in front of you when on a queue. A lot of people are fond of just making their way regardless of hair thin space between 2 persons. Whhw!

- be alert of spitting persons anywhere! You might catch it, eeewww!

- no Facebook in Beijing :/

And some other things I am not sure
I can write about :(

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